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&#128073 कोविड-19 को फैलने से रोकने के लिए:👉 साबुन से बार-बार हाथ धोएं, 👉 अगर कोई खांस या छींक रहा है, तो उससे उचित दूरी बनाए रखें, 👉अपनी आंखें, नाक या मुंह को न छुएं, 👉अगर आप ठीक नहीं महसूस कर रहे हैं, तो घर पर रहें. 👉अगर आपको बुखार, खांसी है, और सांस लेने में परेशानी हो रही है, तो डॉक्टर के पास जाएं. 👉 स्वास्थ्य प्राधिकरण के निर्देश मानें.

DAVV Common Entrance Test (CET) 2016

Important Dates To Be Remind:-
Submission of application form will start in                             14 April 2016.
Last date of submission of application form is in the month    19 May 2016.
Exam will be held in the month                                                 02/June/2016.
Application FEE-                                               -                      1500/- + Online Service Charges.
Documents-                                                       -                        Photograph & Sign.
Age Limit:-
-Candidates age should not be more than 23 years for UG course & not be more than 25 years for PG course.
-Age relaxation is also given to reserved category as per govt. rules and regulations.

Courses After 10+2 :
M.B.A.   (Management   Science)-5Yrs./   M.B.A.(e-Commerce)-5Yrs./   B.Com.   (Hons.)-3Yrs./ M.Sc. (Electronic Media)-5Yrs./ M.B.A. (Foreign Trade)-5 Yrs./ B.A.(Hons.)-Mass Communication/ B.Com. (Accounting & Tax Mgt.)/ B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)-5Yrs.
M.C.A.-6Yrs./ M.Tech. (IT)-5½Yrs./ B.Pharm.-4Yrs./ M.B.A. (Hospital Administration)–5Yrs.
Courses After Graduation:
M.B.A. (Financial Administration/ Marketing Mgt./ Tourism/ HR/ Advertising & Public Relations/ Business Economics/ International Business/ Financial Services/ Hospital Administration/ Media Management/ e-Commerce/Disaster Mgt./Foreign Trade) / M.Com. (Account & Financial Control) / M.Com. (Bank Mgt.)/ M.A.(Mass Communication) – 2 Yrs., (Bachelor of Journalism – 1 Yr.)
LL.M.(Business Law), M.Sc.(Life Science, Industrial Microbiology), M.Sc.(Electronics, Electronics & Communication), M.Sc. (Biochemistry) – 2 Yrs.

Exam Syllabus- The question papers will be designed with objective type questions. The written test papers will be in English language.
Group-A: - Group A will consist of total 75 questions, with 15 questions each in the following section:
Quantitative Ability , Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning and General Intelligence, English Language, Comprehension, General Awareness and Awareness of Socio-economic environment
Group-B: Group B will include 75 questions totally, with each following section having 15 questions:
Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning and General Intelligence, English Language, Comprehension, General Awareness and Awareness of Socio-economic environment
Group-C: Group C consists total 75 questions of which 15 questions will be from English and 20 questions each from Physics, Mathematics/Biology/Bio Technology and Chemistry.
In the Test for Group C choice of candidate will be as follows :
B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology/Bio Technology/Technical Vocational Subject
MBA (HA): English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry
MCA, M. Tech. & B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
Group D includes 75 questions which will cover all compulsory Law subjects prescribed by BCI (Bar Council of India) for the Undergraduate Courses.
Contact – Falaudi Computers, 13-B, Akhand Nagar, Airport Road, Indore