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&#128073 कोविड-19 को फैलने से रोकने के लिए:👉 साबुन से बार-बार हाथ धोएं, 👉 अगर कोई खांस या छींक रहा है, तो उससे उचित दूरी बनाए रखें, 👉अपनी आंखें, नाक या मुंह को न छुएं, 👉अगर आप ठीक नहीं महसूस कर रहे हैं, तो घर पर रहें. 👉अगर आपको बुखार, खांसी है, और सांस लेने में परेशानी हो रही है, तो डॉक्टर के पास जाएं. 👉 स्वास्थ्य प्राधिकरण के निर्देश मानें.

FCI (Food Corporation of India) Recruitment 2015

FCI Recruitment 2015, FCI Junior Engineer Recruitment
Last date for submission of application: 17 March 2015
Details of Post
Junior Engineer (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering): 88
Assistant Grade-II (Hindi): 54
Assistant Grade-III (General/ Accounts/ Technical/ Depot): 4076
Typist (Hindi): 100

Educational Qualification
Junior Engineer (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering): Candidate must have degree in the engineering in the relevant discipline.
Assistant Grade-II (Hindi): Candidate must have a degree in Hindi
Assistant Grade-III (General/ Accounts/ Technical/ Depot): Candidate must have a Degree in any discipline. Post specific educational requirement can be found from the detailed notification link given below.
Typist (Hindi): Candidate must be a graduate in any discipline and must have a typing speed of 30 wpm in Hindi.
Age Limit
Junior Engineer (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering): 28 years
Assistant Grade-II (Hindi): 28 years
Assistant Grade-III (General/ Accounts/ Technical/ Depot): 27 years
Typist (Hindi): 25 years
More Detail-