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&#128073 कोविड-19 को फैलने से रोकने के लिए:👉 साबुन से बार-बार हाथ धोएं, 👉 अगर कोई खांस या छींक रहा है, तो उससे उचित दूरी बनाए रखें, 👉अपनी आंखें, नाक या मुंह को न छुएं, 👉अगर आप ठीक नहीं महसूस कर रहे हैं, तो घर पर रहें. 👉अगर आपको बुखार, खांसी है, और सांस लेने में परेशानी हो रही है, तो डॉक्टर के पास जाएं. 👉 स्वास्थ्य प्राधिकरण के निर्देश मानें.

Central Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank Recruitment

Central Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank Recruitment for those who qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-III Advertisementpublished in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 28th June–4th July, 2014 released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS’s website www.ibps.in.
Language Proficiency - The candidates applying for the posts of Officer Scale I and Office Assistants –(Multipurpose) are required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State / UT (The condition does not apply for the posts of Officer Scale II and III). For ensuring proficiency in local language, the candidate should have –
a.Local language (Hindi) at 10thStd level OR b.Local language (Hindi) at any level upto graduation level

‐ Rs. 20/‐ for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
‐ Rs.100/‐ for all others
Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
‐ Rs. 20/‐ for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates.
‐ Rs.100/‐ for all others
The Interview will be held at the Head Office , Chhindwara (MP) centre and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in
the Bank’s website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews.
Complete Advertisement - http://www.centralmpgraminbank.com/Recruitment%20advertisement_10032015.pdf